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DACS have been in the business of acoustic design since our infancy. Working at Andromeda Heights studio in County Durham to award winning recording studios in London, we have over 30 years of professional experience in designing the studio you want.

We have worked with producers, musicians and mastering engineers to give us a multi-faceted approach to our acoustic design ideology.

“Our live rooms, isolation booth and control room were meticulously designed by acoustician Douglas Doherty of DACS Audio. Douglas was able to provide us with spaces we can trust and are able to capture high quality sound, providing a creative, unique and versatile environment when catering to different recording scenarios.”
Simon Pollack, Owner of The Mother Lode Recording Studio

Open up your horizons with DACS Acoustic Design

Room acoustics is top of most serious musicians’ agendas. We have been designing, building and treating recording studios and music rooms since the 1990s and our range of absorbers and diffusers have been tried and thoroughly road tested in projects across the UK and USA.  We tend to be involved in projects where sound quality and acoustic accuracy is paramount to our clients. We often work closely with architects and interior designers ensuring an economical high performance outcome – the result is happy customers.

Where creativity and productivity are fundamental our studios provide the best performance and the highest quality sound.

DACS completely brought our mastering studio to life. I would recommend this to anyone thinking of having a full custom treatment job done in their studio. The accuracy we can achieve in our mixes and masters since being able to hear the monitors in this way is incredible.
Alex Powell - Label Worx - Mastering Engineer

Effective and visually striking acoustic consultancy services

Our consultancy brings to bear a uniquely wide range of expertise and experience, coupled with design originality and an eminently practical approach. We produce well considered solutions to specific problems, which look good, are efficient and economical. We do not tend to use off-the-shelf solutions that are usually both expensive and ‘catch all’. We prefer to specifically design the acoustic solutions required for each individual situation. Many studios have benefitted from our work.

We have improved already existing rooms, and enabled unused/’unusable’ spaces to house fully professional post-production or writing rooms. In addition we have worked with many commercial clients – restaurants, bars and nightclubs – on the acoustics of their venues, for sound leakage issues, internal sound exposure legislation for staff, and treatment to control the sound produced, resulting in many great sounding bars and venues that don’t disturb the neighbours!

Our Client Portfolio

Our clients come to us knowing that no matter their circumstances; whether they are a renowned name or just starting out they can come to DACS for the expertise to match their vision and budget. We have worked alongside companies in all sectors since 1987 and our portfolio matches that, to offer the best possible results no matter the environment.

Our experience in all aspects of acoustic design; from acoustic consultancy to bespoke furniture design, from studio design to studio build, no matter the need we can and will accommodate. We have designed and built awarding winning mastering suites and client's first studios, worked with councils on new builds and old, worked with groups to develop community hubs and academic institutions to create a springboard for the next generation.

With results and budget paramount in all industries we try and work with clients to offer our expertise to realise their visions. From initial calculations to after care we will be with you every step of the way.


Throughout the years we have been tasked with designing and building studio spaces for universities, colleges, schools and academies. Offering the best music environments for the next generation is a large responsibility, one that we are proud to have been entrusted with. Around the British Isles, both locally and further afield we have designed studio spaces that have been built to last, perfroming year after year.

Recording and Mastering Studios

From supplying equipment to studios to designing and building a space from the ground up we have vast experience on all aspects of your workplace or somewhere you go to unwind. We have worked alongside award winning mixing and mastering clients and some of the biggest studios in the business.

We have worked with every facet of the audio industry and have advised clients who have come to us with a vision to streamline, from "bedroom studios" to professional studios.

Some of our client portfolio includes:

Ubisoft Reflections | Anglia Ruskin University | Durham University | Annie Mawson's Sunbeams Music Trust | Birmingham Conservatoire | DeMontfort University | Crafted Projects| North Tyneside Council | Church of England | Chester University | Beetroot Studios | The Mother Lode Recording Studio